The Mobsters

“The Mobsters” is a free colorfull NFT collection of gangsters (lazy bad guys if you prefer!). With 5 different characters bases and dozens of different traits each.

Who are The Mobsters?!

“Bad guys” for our Lazy Superheroes. No superhero without evil or gangsters to fight. Right on.

The Mobsters are the arms of our favorite Super Villains. They make reign corruption and terror, through the ages! Since these funny enemies have the annoying tendency to travel in time.

Details of the collection

Token id: 0.0.1195780

Max supply: 2500.

Model of distribution: airdrop (and Lazy Farms).


Mobsters NFTs are a requirement to get Boosts and multiplier for Staking.

Each bonus line will require at least one Mobsters to be staked along with Gen 2 heroes.

Airdrop to holders has been processed as follow:

Airdrop is done in two passes on Wednesday 6th September, 2022 and on Tuesday 13th September 2022.

Holding a Gen 1 in the wallet, not listed on marketplaces, when the snapshot was done, ensured to get x2 Mobsters NFTs

Holding a Gen 2 Lazy Super Villain in the wallet, not listed on marketplaces, when the snapshot was done, ensured to get x2 Mobsters NFTs

Holding a Gen 2 in the wallet, not listed on marketplaces, when the snapshot was done, ensured to get x1 Mobsters NFTs

Meet Brutus

“Brutus is the embodiment of a gangster: all in on the brutality and no sensibility.”

Meet Zoe

“Zoe is as dangerous as she is cute.”

Meet Hammer

“When you are a «Hammer» everyone looks like a nail.”

Meet Fang

“Fang is a huge mobster and it shows!”

Meet Sam

“Sam was a disciple of the Jester before becoming the time-traveling mobster he is today.”

Last updated