Token Graveyard
Interaction script to use the token graveyard. Works in MAIN & TEST environments to help unclog your wallet of failed mints where you can't grab the supply key.
There is a nominal cost to associate a new token (default: 5 hbar + association fee & you can check the live cost with the -cost option) of course if feeling generous you can override the payment to be higher with -pay option. You can of course deploy your own copy given the repo is freely available however it may cost you more to do that :D
Once associated you can send tokens to 0.0.1279390 [mainnet] or 0.0.48287676 [testnet] and they will be locked away forever.
Edit your .env file (rename .env.example to .env) with the following items:
We recommend to remove the private key from the .env file after use. Extra precaution.
In your Node.js command prompt terminal, you can use
-associate 0.0.XXX - optional - to specify the token to associate for the graveyard
-cost - optional - query the minimum cost of the service
-pay Z - optional - override the default payment for usage
Last updated