Import and install our Scripts

Download our Scripts on our official GitHub repository.

Using GitHub Cli to import and install our scripts will require you to follow steps 2 and 3 in Environment Set-up

Open Node.js command prompt app on your computer.


Login to your GitHub account using this command

gh auth login

You will be asked to which account you want to login, and to confirm using a One time code on GitHub website.

Import the scripts

Once logged in, type this command to clone our repo

gh repo clone Burstall/hedera-nft-scripts

Once done, you will see a new folder has been created on your computer as your current location.

Go to this folder by typing

cd hedera-nft-scripts

Install the scripts

Once in the hedera-nft-scripts folder, you can install the required packages by using this command

npm install

The scripts are now installed and ready to be used!


To import manually our scripts to your computer, download our scripts at

Click the button "Code" and then "Download Zip"

Unzip the archive on your computer at the desired place.

Once done, open Node.js command prompt app on your computer.

You will have to place you inside this folder. Go to this folder by typing

cd C:\Path\to\the\folder\hedera-nft-scripts

Install the scripts

Once in the hedera-nft-scripts folder, you can install the required packages by using this command

npm install

The scripts are now installed and ready to be used!

Last updated